Well, last night was Oscar night, wasn't it?
Isn't he pretty?
Not very many folks get to see this guy up close, although, judging by the length of the show and the number of those little statues handed out, it seemed like everyone and his poodle got an award.
Of course, the only movie I really recognized was Star Trek. A friend had it on DVD and loved how it provided insight to so many of the quirks and events of Gene Roddenberry's original characters and plot lines.
Otherwise, I was totally lost watching the very long show. Finally, I had to go to bed, though Jim let me know who won, later.
Frankly, my favorite nod to the Academy Awards happened earlier this year during TCM's 31 days of Oscar.
We saw some amazing movies, one right after the other. The Snake Pit, 1948,
with Olivia de Havilland stands out especially. She was nominated for Best Actress in a Leading Role, but didn't win. I was reluctant and uneasy about it. It sounded disturbing...but it pulled me in. I think Jim and I will watch that again so that we can talk about it fresh. Of course, we watched African Queen, 1951, a second time. I LOVE that movie! We saw All About Eve, 1950, too. I've become quite a fan of George Saunders after watching Children of the Damned--with commentary, no Oscar there, though, I'm afraid.
I don't know what we'll watch next, though I should warn you that, while looking for some inspiration on this month's AMC lineup, The Bride of Chucky (1998) was featured. Can it be considered a classic if it's less than 20 years old? As I intend to be fast asleep at 4:00 am, I guess I'll have to give that a miss, so I guess it doesn't matter.
Oh, well.
While we have plenty of fodder for blogging, I think it's only fair to view each movie right before we write in order to give each movie, and therefore you, our very best consideration.
We get a lot of our movies from the local library, but when times get tough, there's always Blockbuster, right?
If you call Old Blighty home, you don't even have to go outside to rent a movie...
Blockbuster UK
In fact, the US has a great deal going on right now:
BLOCKBUSTER Online® Gives You Movie Night, Any Night
nice, huh? You know what I'll be doing pretty soon.
Well, work beckons, so I'll be back as soon as I catch another movie.
Take care!
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